Regular Local Singings in or near Michigan   

East Lansing Singing
1st & 3rd Mondays, 7-9 PM
Edgewood United Church
469 Hagadorn, East Lansing

Kalamazoo Singings
3rd Sundays from 4-6 pm
2nd and 4th Thursdays (workshop and singing)

Ann Arbor Singing
Second Sundays, 1-4 PM
The Ark, Ann Arbor

Grand Rapids Singing
1st Saturdays, 9:30-11:15 AM

Third Wednesdays

All-day singings

Mid-Michigan All-Day singing
Faith Lutheran Church, Okemos, MI
May 10, 2025, 9:30-3 PM

Michigan New Book
All-Day Singing
November 8, location tbd

Midwest Convention
Chicago, Memorial Day W/E
Kalamazoo All-Day Singing
3rd Sunday in July
Michiana All-Day Singing
Fairview Grange, Dunlap, IN
July, day before Kalamazoo

Central Ontario All-Day Singings
Last full weekend in August

Sacred Harp on youtube

2016 Michiana Singing
2016 Missouri Convention
2015 Midwest Convention (all)
2015 Mid-Michigan Singing
2014 Michiana Singing
2013 Kalamazoo Singing
2010 Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Convention
Video about Sacred Harp singing

Sign-up for email notices for local singings in East Lansing
and/or regional singings

What is Shape note singing about?

Brief history of the Mid-Michigan singing.

Shape Note singing resources:
A compendium of things regarding shape note singing and The Sacred Harp.

Website of Dr. Warren Steel, author, scholar of shape note singing, organ, other music, folklore, etc., etc.

Wikipedia about shape note singing

Online Shape Note recordings

Martha Beverly's photos of singings

1835 Mason's Sacred Harp pdf
(unrelated to The Sacred Harp)

1856 American Church Harp pdf

1860 Sacred Harp pdf

Awake My Soul: The Story of the Sacred Harp
trailer for the PBS documentary on Sacred Harp singing.

Return to site home

Central Ontario All-Day Singing
August 26, 2023
10-3:30 PM

Friends House
60 Lowther Avenue
Toronto, M5R 1C7,
Canada (map)

Information from their website:

"Everyone is cordially invited and is most welcome to sing with us at the Friends House in central Toronto. We'll sing from the 1991 edition of The Sacred Harp, starting at 10:00 a.m (registration opens at 9:30), with dinner on the grounds at noon.

Don't miss this once-a-year chance to raise your voices with sacred-harp singers from Ontario, Quebec, and nearby US states (and further away?)!

Everyone is welcome and loaner books will be available. Ontario singers, please bring a generous, ready-to-serve contribution to the potluck meal at noon.

Please arrive early to register and get a name tag. Sign up to lead or ask someone else to lead your favourite song.

Give what you can to help with rental and other expenses."



This website maintained by Bob Borcherding, for questions or if you notice any errors, please email gapbob -(at)- Last updated March 17, 2025.